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My Characters

DGP-StudioFeatureTutorialCharacter showcaseCharacter statisticsAbout 2 min

My Characters


This features required sign in to MiHoYo BBS account, please refer to MiHoYo BBS Account Switch document for sign in tutorial

My characters is a character statistics feature that allows Snap Hutao to read character's statistics on the account, including level, constellation, weapon, talent and artifact set; we also provide artifacts rating and CRTI rating for each character.

My Character Screenshot

Sync Character Data

Recommended usage:

  1. Use Sync from MiHoYo BBS - Battle Chronicle
  2. Use Sync from MiHoYo BBS - Enhancement Progression Calculator
  3. Edit the showcase in the game and then Sync from Enka API

Sync from Enka API

Synchronous Feature

  • Enka API sync data from characters displayed in the in-game character showcase
    • Data includes Artifacts detail data, weapon detail data, talent data
    • Character costume
    • This sync method only support 8 characters at a time
  • In the game, put characters that you need detailed data into the showcase
    • The character showcase allows up to 8 characters at the same time
  • You need to wait for data sync to complete after editing the showcase configuration
    • You may need up to 5 minutes after enable the showcase or re-config the showcase
  • Enter My Characters page in the Snap Hutao, Click Sync Character Data button on the top-right
  • Select Sync from Enka API

Sync from MiHoYo BBS - Battle Chronicle

Synchronous Feature

  • Data in this sync method comes from My Characters feature in MiHoYo official BSS
    • This method does not contain any artifacts data
    • This method can sync all characters data at a time
  • Enter My Characters page in the Snap Hutao, Click Sync Character Data button on the top-right
  • Select Sync from MiHoYo BBS My Characters

Sync from MiHoYo BBS - Enhancement Progression Calculator

Synchronous Feature

  • Data in this method comes from Enhancement Progression Calculator feature in MiHoYo official BBS tool set
    • This sync method contains talent level data
    • This sync method can sync all characters data at a time
  • Enter My Characters page in the Snap Hutao, Click Sync Character Data button on the top-right
  • Select Sync from MiHoYo BBS Developement Plan

Comparison of Synchronization Methods

ComparisonIn-game Showcase (Enka API)Battle ChronicleEnhancement Progression Calculator
Number of Characters8AllAll
Character Level
Character Constellation
Character Friendship
Weapon Level
Weapon Refinement Rank
artifact details

Add Selected Character to Development Plan

  • Enter My Characters page in the Snap Hutao, click on character you need to add to Enhancement Progression Calculator
  • Click on Development Plan and enter target level
    • Synchronized data of the character will be pre-filled into current level, and you can change the target level


  • After adding successfully, you can find added Enhancement Progression Calculator in the Dev Plan page in Snap Hutao

For tutorial of Dev Plan feature, please refer to Dev Plan document

Export as Image

  • In My Characters page, you can select a character and then click Export as Image button to create image with your character's data, this will help you to share your character's data
  • The exported image is stored in your clipboard, and you can paste it wherever you need
  • A sample exported image is shown below
