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Join the Develop Team

DGP-Studioopen sourcedevelopmentdevelopcollaboratecommunityAbout 1 min

Join the Develop Team

If you have one of the following experiences and are interested in joining the Snap Hutao development team to improve this project and get in touch with more Genshin Impact open source projects, welcome to join us!

We will not set any specific skill requirement. Willingness to explore new areas, passion for technology and responsible attitude are more important to the open source community.

Too busy? Just wanna give a quick fix to issue you faced? Check the contribution manual and start your Pull Request directly, we will take constructive code commits seriously.


DGP-Studio Members can

C# .NET Development

Responsible for:
Snap Hutao client and server development

You can pick any issue you want to take charge of from Snap Hutao 2024 Roadmap. Feel free to comment in Roadmap issue page and Dev Community, so the dev team can provide necessary helps.

Web Development

Responsible for:
Hutao Abyss Database website and Hutao Passport website

Our front-end project includes

Community Maintainer

Document Maintenance

Maintain Snap Hutao documents
Requirement: familiar with Markdown syntax and basic concept of software development

Video Editing

Creation of Snap Hutao promotion and tutorial videos